0161 911 8001

Easter Culture Club Activities

The Easter Holidays are just round the corner, have you planned what activities your children or young people could take part in during their time off?

Take a look at our varied programme of Easter Culture Club Activities both in person and online sessions are available- see schedule for week 1 and 2 below.

To book onto these activities please go to the bookings page on our website, or use this link- Gorse Hill Studios Bookings

We will be running activities Tuesday 11th April- Friday 22nd April for young people from the age of 5- 16 years.

Here are all the fun sessions we have on:

*Street Art 



*Hip Hop and Pop Portraits

*Boxing and Martial Arts

*Music Production

*Lyric Writing

*Cooking in person and online.

*Special Effects Makeup

*Indoor Rock Climbing

*Pop up TV Studio with Media Cubs

*Zine Making 


All sessions are affordable costing between £2-£3 or FREE to those entitled to Free School Meals.

All young people who attend in person sessions will be given FREE lunches and snacks.

All young people who book onto our online cooking sessions will receive supermarket vouchers to purchase ingredients for the healthy recipes.

All young people who book onto our art, clay and special effects makeup sessions will receive free material packs to take part!

We are delivering these activities as part of the Department for Education (Dfe) funded Holiday Activity Fund, coordinated by Trafford Council.