0161 911 8001

Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

St Antony’s Roman Catholic School is a small school and we place a strong emphasis on supporting each individual student to thrive and succeed in their education. We believe that high quality teaching and strong pastoral support are the key to enabling our students to make excellent progress; both are of the highest priority at St Antony’s. We have great expectations for all our students and are committed to finding and developing the talents they possess whilst supporting their academic progress and achievements.

As a Catholic school our core values are rooted in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and the values of the Gospel. Our ethos is one of respect for all and this is evident to anyone who visits our school. We endeavour to live out the Gospel values in our daily life and believe in developing the skills and talents of the whole child by encouraging our pupils to: ASPIRE to their potential, BELIEVE in themselves and ACHIEVE what they deserve.

At St Antony’s Roman Catholic School, we recognise that effective CEIAG within schools is a major contributory factor in raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success.

Aims and purpose:

  • Prepare students for the transition to life beyond secondary school (higher education and the world of work)
  • Support students in making informed decisions which are suitable and ambitious for them
  • Provide students with well-rounded experiences
  • Develop characteristics e.g. social skills, communication, innovation, resilience and leadership which support high achieving students in the curriculum and in their careers
  • Inspire and motivate students to develop their aspirations

Our Careers provision is articulated fully in the CEIAG policy and there is extensive support and signposting for students and families via the information and links below:

Click here for the 6th Form & College Open Days 2023-2024.

Click here to view our Careers in the Curriculum Programme for Y7-Y11 in 2024-2025.

Click here to view how St Antony’s is meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Click here for further guidance on Post-16 Pathways.

Click here to view an evaluation of the CEIAG provision at St Antony’s.

Click here to view our Careers Policy document.

Click here to view the Provider's Access Policy.

Click here for local Labour Market Information.

Click here to access the Greater Manchester Apprenticeships and Careers Service.

Click here to access Careermag for Parents  which connects students and their parents with high-quality advice and information about all the careers and qualification routes available. In addition, please click here to access the National Careers Service which provides  free, impartial careers information, advice and guidance to students, parents, and teachers through a website, web chat service and telephone helpline.

Guidance for teachers in relation to careers provision is found on the shared area for staff: Careers.

Ms Williams is our Careers Leader - she devises the careers programme and will be leading on this work in 2023-2024.  If you have any queries or feedback regarding careers, please contact her via the main office 0161 9118001 or email on r.williams@st-antonys.com

Why not make an appointment to see our Connexions Careers Advisor, Emma Towler?

She can provide impartial advice and guidance to help you decide what the next right step might be for you.

Appointments can be made directly with Emma:


Tel: 0161 911 8001

Are you a local employer?  We are currently working with several local employers who come into school to deliver talks and workshops. They also assist with Careers Days and Mock Interviews.  We are always looking to increase our roster of contacts that could support our careers and enterprise activities. Please contact us at stantonys.admin@trafford.gov.uk if you would like to support us.

We hold attendance records at careers events and employer encounters on SIMS / Arbour and also use the careers planning tool Compass+ to map out our careers programme.  Pupils or parents / carers can request a copy of their individual careers attendance record at any time by emailing our careers team with their request.