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Category: Latest News

Happier January 2024

Let’s make this year a happier one. We may not be able to change what’s going on in the world, but our daily actions still make a big difference. Here are some ideas to help you get 2024 off to the best possible start.

PTA Christmas Chocolate Hamper Raffle

From Monday 11th December the student leadership team will be coming round to all the form classes to sell raffle tickets for the Christmas Chocolate Hampers. Tickets are £1 per strip and there will be one big hamper per year group as well as  smaller hampers. Any staff, parents or visitors who would like to…
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Advent Appeal

What an incredible start to our Advent Appeal! We’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of our school community in the first week. Let’s keep the momentum going and spread even more love and warmth this festive season. Here’s what we need to make a difference: Men’s and ladies’ toiletries – shower gel, shaving foam, toothbrushes,…
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