Our Curriculum
At St Antony's we follow a two-week timetable which allows us to be flexible and able to meet the needs of our students. The curriculum is reviewed each year to ensure that we are providing the best education that we can offer for our students. In addition to specific lessons each student is part of a form group which spends thirty minutes together every day either in assembly or in their form class completing either reading or 'Me and You' pastoral support programme. Lessons are taught by subject specialists who are dedicated to providing all students with exciting and content rich learning.

Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3, all students follow a two week timetable consisting of a total of fifty lessons, with each lesson lasting for sixty minutes:
- 5 lessons of Religious Studies
- 7 lessons of English
- 7 lessons of Maths
- 6 lessons of Science (Y7 & Y8)
- 7 lessons of Science (Y9)
The remaining lessons are allocated to a range of foundation subjects that are PSHE, PE, Art, Music, Technology, French or Spanish, Computer Science, Geography and History. A full breakdown of lesson allocations can be found on the curriculum information page.
Key Stage 4