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Awards Day 2024

What a truly fantastic opportunity it was to lay out the red carpet for all of the award winners at the end of term awards ceremonies last week. It was a proud day for lots of parents who came to witness the celebrations. Well done to the school choir who sang their hearts out to…
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The Wizard of Oz School Production

The cast and crew put on an amazing show last week, the first production in 17yrs at St Antony’s! I’m sure everybody involved is now enjoying a well deserved rest for the summer – I can’t wait to see the next show!

PTA Fundraising Events – Friday 19th

The PTA will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts during breaktime at £1 each in the school foyer.  

Calm Connections

Calm Connections offers support, training and events to parents and carers whose children are experiencing emotional or mental health challenges. They work with families from the earliest point of need, through to those in crisis.  

Jump Back Up July

Resilience isn’t about ignoring our problems or tolerating injustice. It’s recognising that in any situation we have a choice over how we respond. Take a small step to help overcome a problem or worry. Daily actions to help you find ways to bounce back.