Before travelling to and from school it is important to plan-ahead and consider different options.
Transport for Greater Manchester has a dedicated School’s Hub, with information about public transport services, tickets and passes, latest travel guidance and advice around cycling and walking.
If you can, please consider whether your child can walk or cycle to school – it can be a safe and healthy way to make shorter trips. With new cycling and walking routes popping up across the region, it is safer and easier than ever to get about on foot or by bike.
If you do need to drive, please switch off your engine when waiting outside to reduce air pollution and, if possible, try parking further away and walking the last part of the journey.
School Bus Services and Travel Advice
Transport for Greater Manchester - Fares and passes for young people
Cycling to School
We have a bicycle shelter which is locked each morning and opened again at the end of the school day. Students are encouraged to cycle to school to benefit their health and fitness and to be more ‘green’.
N.B.Please ensure that your cycles are adequately insured against theft of damage as whilst the school will provide preventative measures against theft as described above, we cannot accept liability for loss.