So much more for our students
Our students really value the extra-curricular offer. These clubs enable our students to develop in many ways eg gain new skills, take part in their favourite sport, develop a wider group of friends or face challenges to overcome. We are keen that the offer supports students' mental and physical health but also affords opportunities for our young people to develop character, leadership and be of service. Wider curriculum opportunities are delivered by our staff or external experts. Trafford Music Service experts teach a range of musical instruments to students in Y7-Y11. The Combined Cadet Force offers a great opportunity for all students to get external recognition for their skills and is considered favourably by colleges and employers. Other opportunities vary but include Drama, Peer Mentors, Eco Group, GIFT Chaplaincy Team, Sports Leaders, Sports Team and Captaincy, Arts and Homework clubs. We try to meet the interests of our students, reviewing with stakeholders our offer and responding accordingly. eg the request for more creative/expressive activities to be on offer has been actioned.

Combined Cadet Force
St Antony's is very proud that the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) operates at St Antony's. It is an educational partnership between the school and the ministry of defence. All students are welcome to get involved in this wonderful extra-curricular activity. The aim of the CCF is to "provide a disciplined organised within a school, so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, endurance and perseverance". The CCF aligns very much with our school values, particularly those of resilience and service.

What's on offer
There are numerous opportunities for students to get involved in enrichment and extra-curricular activities, both at lunchtime and after school. They are open to all and we aim to be responsive to student interests.
- Homework Club - 3:15pm to 4:15pm Monday to Thursday
- Football
- Netball
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Chess & Backgammon Club
- Choir
- Language Cine Club
- Musical instrumental lessons
- Drama
- Art club
- History Club
- Eco Club
- GIFT Chaplaincy (Growing in Faith Together)
- Combined Cadet Force
Autumn Term 2 Extra-Curricular Activities