0161 911 8001




Mr A. Campbell

Mr D. Copley

Foundation Governors Mrs C. Marchmont (Chair and link for Behaviour & Attitudes and Safeguarding)

Fr G. Murphy (link for Catholic Life & Mission and Collective Worship)

Mr D. Sharp  (link for Quality of Education)

Dr J. Roper

Staff Governor Mrs L. Adderley (link for Staff Wellbeing)
Parent Governors Mrs Amanda Pape  (link for Disadvantaged Pupils and SEN Pupils)

Mrs Alison Carlill  (Vice Chair and link for Personal Development, which includes CEAIG)

Associate Governors Mrs B. Redmond

Mr R. Berry (link for Quality of Education)

Clerk to the Governors Trust GS Clerking Service

Mrs K. Rothwell - Headteacher's PA

Constitution 2024-2025

Declaration of Interests 2023-2024


For statutory information relating to the governance of our CAT, please use this link: Financial Information | Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust

Governors may be contacted at the school by writing or emailing the following email address: k.rothwell@st-antonys.com

St Antony’s Roman Catholic School
Bradfield Road
M41 9PD