Mr A. Campbell
Mr D. Copley |
Foundation Governors | Mrs C. Marchmont (Chair and link for Behaviour & Attitudes and Safeguarding)
Fr G. Murphy (link for Catholic Life & Mission and Collective Worship) Mr D. Sharp (link for Quality of Education) Dr J. Roper |
Staff Governor | Mrs L. Adderley (link for Staff Wellbeing) |
Parent Governors | Mrs Amanda Pape (link for Disadvantaged Pupils and SEN Pupils)
Mrs Alison Carlill (Vice Chair and link for Personal Development, which includes CEAIG) |
Associate Governors | Mrs B. Redmond
Mr R. Berry (link for Quality of Education) |
Clerk to the Governors | Trust GS Clerking Service
Mrs K. Rothwell - Headteacher's PA |
Declaration of Interests 2023-2024
For statutory information relating to the governance of our CAT, please use this link: Financial Information | Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust
Governors may be contacted at the school by writing or emailing the following email address: k.rothwell@st-antonys.com
St Antony’s Roman Catholic School
Bradfield Road
M41 9PD