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Please encourage your child to visit the school library and get involved in Bookflix. Read for pleasure. Read for rewards!  

RIP Mr Byford

On Friday of last week, following a period of illness, the school was very saddened to hear of the death of former headteacher, Bill Byford. Mr Byford was the longest serving headteacher at St Antony’s, joining the school in 2001 before retiring in 2011. A formidable character, Mr Byford oversaw a significant expansion of the…
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Self Care September

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. When we’re kind to ourselves, we respond more positively to what happens and treat others more kindly too. Our Self-Care September calendar is full of inspiring actions to show yourself more kindness.

Awards Day 2024

What a truly fantastic opportunity it was to lay out the red carpet for all of the award winners at the end of term awards ceremonies last week. It was a proud day for lots of parents who came to witness the celebrations. Well done to the school choir who sang their hearts out to…
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The Wizard of Oz School Production

The cast and crew put on an amazing show last week, the first production in 17yrs at St Antony’s! I’m sure everybody involved is now enjoying a well deserved rest for the summer – I can’t wait to see the next show!