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Latest News

Careers in Nursing and Health and Social Care

Are you interested in a career in nursing? health and social care? Then why not sign up now to develop your understanding and receive free individual careers support.

#BeeWell Survey

We are please to be able to offer our students the chance to participate in the #BeeWell survey. #BeeWell will use pupils’ responses to the questionnaire to provide bespoke, aggregated feedback to schools using an online data dashboard. This feedback will: • Provide schools with valuable insights into the strengths and needs of their pupils.…
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PTA Meeting 20.10.2021

St Antony’s invites you to a virtual PTA meeting. This is the first one of the year and we particularly encourage our new parents to join. This is good way of participating in the life of the school and helping raise funds throughout the year, by helping to organise various activities. All funds raised are…
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Fantastic Friday 15.10.2021

Lots of amazing work has been completed this past week and students have really shown a positive attitude to learning. Keep up the good work and remember there’s only one more week left before half term!  

Year 11 Art Trip to London

Year 11 Art & Design students enjoyed a day trip to London on Thursday 7th October with Mr Taylor, Miss Nadeem & Mr Reese. Whilst there they visited St Paul’s Cathedral, Tate Modern and Buckingham Palace. They saw famous artwork by artists such as Picasso, Mondrian, Matisse & Yves Klein. They also visited Trafalgar Square,…
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6th Form & College Open Days 2021-2022

Please click here for the 6th Form & College Open Days 2021-2022

Update Letter 08.10.2021

Please see the latest update letter here  The latest update from Public Health, Trafford can be found here. They have been in touch this afternoon to communicate that there will be compulsory mask wearing required in communal areas around school once more.

Fantastic Friday 08.10.2021

Another great week for our students who are all working extremely hard. See the nominations for this week here:

World Teacher Day

Help celebrate #WorldTeachersDay by recognising the amazing role of teachers and support staff in helping children catch up with their learning after the pandemic. Send a free personalised card to say thank you to a teacher or support staff member at St Antony’s now! https://bit.ly/2YrcvwP

Diocesan Walk for our Climate

Join us this Sunday 10th October when there will be a Walk for our Climate from Salford Cathedral to the Laudato Si’ Centre. We will start with a prayer then depart from Salford Cathedral at 12.30pm, arriving at the Laudato Si’ Centre at around 3.30pm for a short service. The walk is approx. 8.6 miles long. …
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