Update Letter 17.09.2021
Please see the latest update letter from Mrs Wright here. COVID-19 documents as follows: PHE_12073_COVID-19_consent_form_CYP PHE_12073_COVID-19_What_to_expect_CYP_leaflet (1) PHE_12073_COVID-19_guide_for_all_CYP
Please see the latest update letter from Mrs Wright here. COVID-19 documents as follows: PHE_12073_COVID-19_consent_form_CYP PHE_12073_COVID-19_What_to_expect_CYP_leaflet (1) PHE_12073_COVID-19_guide_for_all_CYP
Please see the timetable for the Year 11 period 6 revision classes for the first half term here.
Did you know Trafford Council have PRE-PAID for every parent and carer in Trafford to access a range of courses for parents/carers (access now for life-long access)? There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents about children from bump to 19+ years, from the Solihull Approach (NHS). Just enter the following code to access: WATERPARK
Please see the latest update letter from Mrs Wright here.
Please see the latest guidance from the Government here in the way positive cases of COVID-19 will be handled in school from September 2021.
Please see the latest communication from TfGM here for all the latest and up to date information for travelling to and from school.
It’s your last chance to read an ebook for FREE here this week. Nathan Bryon’s Clean Up! is all about keeping our planet tidy. Find out if main character Rocket can solve the pollution ruining her grandparents’ island and hurting the sea life who live there in this brilliant story.
Please read the latest update letter from Mrs Wright here regarding the return to school in September for your child.
There is something we can all do to help those in need. Find out more from @CaritasSalford about how you can help those seeking sanctuary from Afghanistan.