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Safeguarding Students

We understand this is an extremely challenging time for all those in our community and we want to stress you are not alone. If you require support, or need to report a safeguarding issue then please email: safeguarding@st-antonys.com or alternatively the following phone numbers are available to call or text Mon – Fri between 9.00am-3.30pm…
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Spreading the Festive Joy

Super star staff from St Antony’s Roman Catholic School in Trafford have been busy making Christmas meals for those who need help this year.  The school kitchen is a hive of activity this Christmas Eve as the food is prepared, cooked and packed. Nicky Gorman, Kitchen Manager at the school has been leading the project…
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End of term update

Christmas End of Term Update

Covid Self Isolation Update

Covid 19 Advice for Parents in GM v3 141220

Trafford Young People’s Newsletter

Trafford Young People’s Newsletter

Christmas Letter to Parents

Christmas letter to parents 101220

Update Letter from Mrs Wright

Update letter 4th December 2020