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Fantastic Friday 05.03.2021

Well, it’s the last week before we welcome back our students in school and we can’t wait to see their lovely faces!!!! Well done to the nominees who have worked so well and impressed their teachers this week. Keep up the fantastic work! Fantastic Friday 05.03.2021

Social Media – BBC Top Tips for Children

We all know that under 13s aren’t supposed to have social media accounts, but we also all know that, well, one or two of you just might have an account anyway, whether your parents know about it or not! The BBC have produced some simple tips to help you stay safe whilst online.    

School Transport Update 04.03.2021

In preparation for the return to school, please read the latest transport information from tfgm here.    

Competition Time for KS3 Students

How would you like your very own unique design on a tote bag? And even better, be in with the chance to receive one of Australian artist Aidan Weichard pieces of art? Then enter now for your chance to win. Aidan will pick one overall winner who will receive one of his pieces, which will…
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Virtual Careers Fair

In conjunction with National Careers Week 2021, check out the first ever Virtual Careers Fair where you can get free insights into lots of apprenticeships and employment possibilities within some of the leaders of industry.  

World Wildlife Day 03.03.2021

Tune in and join Manchester Museum in the celebration of UN World Wildlife Day 2021 – Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet! https://bit.ly/37ZOYED

Happy World Book Day!

We are delighted to celebrate this year with you, with some extra special FREE digital events. See what’s available here now!!!

No Screen Activities

The no screen activities document has been shared with all students via Teams, as there will be no ‘live’ lessons on the day they come into school for testing. Some teachers may set work that they need them to complete in preparation for their return next week, but this will not be the case generally.…
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National Careers Week 2021.

𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗩𝗘 We believe in moments. We believe these moments can make a difference. We believe that these moments could be the start of something. We believe that a career can start in a moment. We believe in our young people. https://bit.ly/3kH7G9u Visit the National Careers Week Virtual Careers Fair and download a copy of their…
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National Teaching Awards

Do you know a teacher who is a Lockdown Hero? Enter them for the National Teaching Awards by 12th March! You can nominate teachers and support staff who have gone above and beyond during lockdown here