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Author of the week is Dominique Valente!

This week, you can get lost in the world of Starfell! Listen to an audiobook of the first in the series, Willow Moss and the Lost Day and watch an exclusive video with the author to find out more about the books and her best writing advice. You can also discover Dominique’s favourite children’s stories and…
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Update Video from Mrs Wright 22.02.2021


Action for Families

30 actions to help parents look after themselves and their families in challenging times.

Speakers for Schools Week Commencing 22.02.2021

Speakers for Schools is delighted to be joined by Emma Wadey, Head of Mental Health Nursing for NHS England and NHS Improvement. Emma is a mental health nurse with over 20 years’ experience across a wide range of health, emergency care and criminal justice settings. Maintaining clinical practice throughout her career has always been a…
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Fantastic Friday 12.02.2021

It’s the last Fantastic Friday of this term and what a term it has been!!!! Students have been working extremely hard and engaging in their remote learning. Staff have really missed you and we cannot wait to have you all back in school again. We hope you have a safe and restful half term. Fantastic…
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Trafford Young People’s Newsletter 11.02.2021

This week we’re bringing you activities with 42nd Street and lots of creative opportunities you can get involved in. https://mailchi.mp/556f979d33f2/aftercare-news-no1-6055772

International Day for Women and Girls in Science 11.02.2021

Today is a day where we recognise and celebrate women and girls in Science/female Scientists. Please see the PowerPoint presentation research on a selection of Scientists/ engineers.  Why don’t you complete one or more of these non-screen time activities which are designed to show your creativity and give you a rest from looking at the…
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Order now in time for Valentines Day!!!!

Purchase one of more pocket hugs at £3 each. They can be ‘for’ or ‘from’ a person of your choice e.g. for mum, from Steve, for Steph, from dad etc. To place your order email m.nadeem@st-antonys.com with your required personalisation. She will email back when they are ready and they can be collected from reception…
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Safer Internet Day 9th February 2021

The internet can be a wonderful place, full of art and creativity. A magical place to connect with friends, as long as we use it safely. Today is Safer Internet Day and we would like to support you in as many ways possible when it comes to understanding the many different apps which your child…
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Author of the Week is Konnie Huq!

This week former Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq is sharing Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World, the first book in the Cookie series that she both wrote and illustrated, as an audiobook. You can listen completely FREE here! There’s also an exclusive video from Konnie, you can discover her top three recommended children’s…
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