Introduction to Homework
Introduction to Homework
Homework at St Antony’s is a 5-year structured revision programme. It is also an essential part of our memory strategy to help pupils know more and remember more, so they can do more demanding work in lessons and achieve well.
Our evidence-based approach to memory involves revisiting essential knowledge to embed it in long-term memory, which frees up working memory. This includes homework, retention and retrieval tasks in lessons and assessments. This is shown in the image below.
All homework is based on booklets and involves pupils reading information and writing answers. This helps them fill in gaps in their knowledge, helps them remember more by revisiting what they do know, and helps them get better at writing down and applying their knowledge. Exams are written, and pupils are more successful when they have built up their confidence and skills through practice. Pupils receive feedback on their homework in lessons.
Homework is signposted on the website SatchelOne to help pupils with time management and so that parents can see what is due in and when.
5-year structured revision programme
Key stage 3
Key Stage 3 uses booklets containing knowledge organisers and short questions which are completed weekly or biweekly, depending on subject teaching time. The questions are predominantly recall based, with some application of knowledge.
The knowledge organisers contain all of the essential knowledge for a topic. The associated questions are designed to support pupils with revisiting essential knowledge to help embed it in long-term memory.
Homework is strategically mapped to include prior learning, as this is proven to help pupils remember key information over time. Strategic mapping also includes revisiting topics at specific times when it supports upcoming learning, e.g. year 8 completing homework on the topic “Cells” from year 7 prior to them studying the topic “Plants” in year 8. This helps them with their learning in lessons, along with helping them remember information over time.
There is also a knowledge organiser assessment in every subject each term. These include learning from lessons and homework completed over the same period. These assessments are important to help teachers and pupils know about strengths and weaknesses so that gaps in knowledge can be addressed, and also to help pupils develop exam technique through practice and feedback.
Key stage 4
In year 10, the knowledge organisers are replaced or supplemented with revision guides (or equivalent). These contain the essential knowledge that pupils need to know for each subject.
Homework set is based on the revision guides. Pupils use the revision guides to help them answer questions in booklets, as they did in Key Stage 3, but the questions in year 10 are more demanding and involve more application, including the use of exam style questions.
Pupils complete regular subject assessments which include work from lessons and homework.
In year 11, pupils continue to use their revision guides (or equivalent) as the source of essential knowledge for each subject. Pupils are also provided with an Exam Practice Workbook (or equivalent) in each subject, along with a schedule to help them manage their time and spread their workload over the year.
Using the revision guides to complete the workbooks is revision, it is completing past papers, and it is proven to help pupils be more successful in exams. Pupils do not have to figure out how to revise, they just need to complete their set homework (as a minimum). Teachers will also provide and highlight further revision resources and opportunities at key times in the year.
Homework booklets and schedules
Click on this link to access homework booklets for each year group and subject, along with schedules for year 11.
Additional revision resources/support
Homework club is available Monday – Thursday for any pupils who want to complete their homework in school with the support of an adult. This is in a computer room (CR5) so pupils have access if they need it.
Students also have access to the following revision guidance sessions if they want more information on how to revise:
Remote and Extended Learning
For remote and extended learning away from the classroom, students should use their school logins to access learning such as Seneca and Dr Frost. Pupils can also use their knowledge organisers or revision guides to study the topics they are working on in school.
Pupils can also use BBC Bitesize, which provides useful information and activities related to their in-school learning. The curriculum overviews show what is being studied in each subject during each half-term. These can be found on the curriculum area of the school website.