Welcome to the curriculum section of our website. Here are St Antony’s we are continually reviewing and refining our curriculum to ensure that all of our pupils are provided with an educational diet that enables them to thrive. In this section, we aim to give parents and pupils a sense of what they can expect over the course of five years, details of which can be found in the Curriculum Overview below. In addition to this, within the curriculum area tabs we have the specific programmes of study for each subject for this academic year.
Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum intent is centred around our Mission Statement ‘Let the light and splendour of Christ shine from within us all’ a statement which finds its origin in the quote ‘Let your light shine before others’ (Matthew 16). In essence, this acts as the driving force to enable all pupils to be the very best version of themselves. To help support pupils to be the best versions of themselves, we place the emerging values of Respect, Love, Service, Integrity and Resilience at the heart of all that we do. Furthermore, our curriculum intent encompasses an ambitious 5-year spiral curriculum that gives students the knowledge, skills and cultural capital to thrive as they transition into post-16 choices and, indeed, in their lives beyond this point. Throughout our 5-year curriculum we place significant emphasis on the golden threads of reading, literacy and key knowledge.
Beneath our overarching intent, all students at St Antony’s, including those pupils with a special educational need, disability or identified as disadvantaged, have full and equal access to all aspects of our curriculums at both KS3 and KS4 and can expect the below over the course of their 5 years. Pupils on our SEND register have a Pupil Passport with suggested strategies to support them further in the classroom, for staff to access. Teachers use these strategies and scaffolding techniques to support pupils with accessing our curriculum. For more information on our SEND provision at St Antony's, please see our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report.
- A Key Stage 3 curriculum which builds on and develops the work students completed in primary school and one which at least covers the expectations of the National Curriculum.
- A curriculum which seeks to develop reading and literacy Where students’ reading and literacy skills are weaker, we shall employ targeted intervention for identified pupils. Our aim is to ensure all pupils are supported in their understanding of language, in order to more fully access the curriculum and support what we believe to be the bedrock of future learning and adulthood. This also includes an emphasis on oracy and verbal communication.
- A Key Stage 3 that starts in Year 7 and finishes at the end of Year 9, during which time, significant emphasis is placed on solid academic foundations which enable students to develop as they move up the school. During these formative years, pupils will experience a curriculum sequenced to ensure that cumulatively sufficient knowledge is built upon, with a significant emphasis on the revisiting of key themes.
- A Key Stage 4 which currently offers twenty qualifications. This offer ensures pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and one which enables them to access a variety of qualifications at Key Stage 5. Furthermore, at the heart of Key Stage 4, is the promotion of the EBacc subjects, a route which is strongly encouraged for all pupils. In addition to this, pupils in all year groups will undertake a variety of experiences in relation to careers and post-16 pathways.
- An extensive pastoral and co-curricular offer. This includes an emphasis on behaviour for learning, Personal Development and extra-curricular activities.
- As part of all of the above, we shall assess our students in relation to what we believe are the key elements of the St Antony’s curriculum. This includes reading and literacy skills and the essential knowledge that each curriculum area provides. All pupils, including those with SEND or disadvantage, will enjoy the benefits of this education and where necessary, will receive adaptations to reach the same endpoints as all pupils.
Subjects and lesson allocations for KS3 & KS4 can be found here.
The Content of our Curriculum
Please find below information about the content of St Antony’s curriculum, for each subject for each year group:
Our Curriculum Offer
Currently at KS4 we offer GCSEs or other Level 2 qualifications (such as Cambridge Nationals) in:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Maths
- Science
- RE
- History
- Geography
- French
- Computer Science
- Music
- Art
- Resistant Materials
- Food Technology
- Graphics
- PE
- Business
Please contact the relevant curriculum leader for further information; teachers' names can be obtained from the Meet the Staff page.
Or for broader curriculum questions, please reach Mr Giblin, Curriculum team lead, on p.giblin@st-antonys.com.